
On this page, documentation on selected topics is provided. Together with the API documentation, this is the most detailed documentation, suitable for users who have already got started with Ivory and are familiar with its features. The topics are ordered such that forward references are minimized, so the ideal way is to read it from the start to the end.

API documentation is not available online yet. Please, see the source code. Usually, the code is divided into interfaces and standard implementations which do not duplicate the API documentation. Thus, consult the interfaces documentation where possible.

Table of contents:

Connection Management

Connection to a database is represented by an IConnection object. It is the single entry point to the most of Ivory functionality. For organizational purposes, the big IConnection interface is split into several logical groups, which we will refer to throughout the documentation:

A connection object may be retrieved using the Ivory::setupNewConnection() method, which:

  1. creates a new connection with the specified parameters,
  2. registers the connection in the global connection storage.

Ad 1, the connection parameters may be specified by a ConnectionParameters object, or by anything accepted by the ConnectionParameters::create() factory method. All common specification formats are supported:

Ad 2, the purpose of the global register is to make any database connection available from anywhere, using the static method Ivory::getConnection(). It need not be used – if the application uses dependency injection or a similar mechanism, it is sufficient to just create an IConnection object by hand, instead of using Ivory::setupNewConnection(). The connection register is here just to simplify connection retrieval, and no other Ivory part depends on it.

Multiple connections may be registered, distinguished by their name specified by an optional argument to Ivory::setupNewConnection() (if no name is specified explicitly, a unique name is generated automatically). In most applications, however, just a single connection is needed. Thus, the first connection registered with Ivory automatically becomes the default one. The Ivory::getConnection() method, if not given a connection name, returns the default connection.

$firstConn = Ivory::setupNewConnection('host=localhost dbname=mydb connect_timeout=10');
$secondConn = Ivory::setupNewConnection('postgresql://usr@localhost:5433/otherdb', 'other');

// The following assertions hold:
assert($firstConn === Ivory::getConnection()); // the first is the default
assert($secondConn === Ivory::getConnection('other')); // identified by the given name
assert($firstConn === Ivory::getConnection('mydb')); // name generated from the database name

Any other connection may be marked as the default at any time using Ivory::useConnectionAsDefault().

For certain applications, Ivory::dropConnection() method may be relevant. It drops the given connection so that it does not occupy memory anymore.

Connecting to a Database

Having defined one or more connections, we can instruct them to actually connect to the database. The control over connection is grouped in methods implementing the IConnectionControl interface. Usually, just one of them will really be used:


The IConnectionControl::connect() method returns immediately while the connection is being established in the background. In the meantime, the application may do jobs not requiring database, such as routing or input processing, which may save time.

The very first method really requiring the connection, such as IConnection::query(), will wait if the connection has not been established yet. Thus, the asynchronous connecting mode is totally transparent to the user. Still, if synchronous connection is required for some reason, the IConnectionControl::connectWait() method may be used instead, which will block the execution until the connection is established.

Several hooks, used internally by Ivory, but also available to the public, may be registered for certain events:

To disconnect (which is typically unnecessary as PHP frees all the resources at the end of the script), the IConnectionControl::disconnect() method is available.

Note that there is no option for using connections persistent on the PHP side (i.e., those done by pg_pconnect()) as this feature is known to be neither 100% correct nor especially effective. Server-side connection pooling shall be considered instead.

SQL Patterns

In order to execute statements through a connection, one must construct them first. The trivial way is to compose an SQL query string somehow and pass it to IStatementExecution::rawQuery() or IStatementExecution::rawCommand() (more on that in the Statement Execution section):

$rel = $conn->rawQuery('SELECT * FROM t');
foreach ($rel as $row) {
    // ...

Constructing SQL strings by hand, however, is painful and error-prone.1 Using SQL patterns, Ivory may assist with the task.

SQL patterns is a special macro language over SQL, defined by Ivory. The idea is to let the user type exactly the SQL she wants, and to assist with connecting the SQL and the PHP worlds, i.e., pass PHP values to the SQL string.

The language is very simple: all text is interpreted as is, except % (percent sign) characters, optionally followed by several tokens, which denotes a placeholder that will eventually be replaced with a PHP value serialized to SQL. It is similar to the sprintf() function except for what may follow the % sign and what it means. For example, with:

$rel = $conn->query('SELECT * FROM t WHERE name = %s', "O'Reilly");

the resulting query sent to the database is SELECT * FROM t WHERE name = 'O''Reilly'. A detailed specification follows.

Placeholder Specification

Placeholders specify the location in the SQL string for inserting the statement parameter values. There are two kinds of parameters:

The placeholder syntax is as follows:




A more detailed specification follows:

  1. We define a token as a sequence of one or more letters, digits and underscore characters (_), not starting with a digit. The terms “letters” and “digits” correspond to the PCRE character class alnum.
  2. name may only be a single token. Especially, name may not be a number (i.e., referring to positional arguments is not supported).
  3. type consists of either:
    • sequence of typeschema.typename, or
    • just typename, or
    • any string enclosed in a pair of curly braces (the { and }; note there is no way to write the closing brace literally using this variant).
  4. Both typeschema and typename may either be:
    • a single token, or
    • any string enclosed in double quotes (the " character; to write a double quote character literally inside the quoted string, use two of them).
  5. type may optionally be appended with one or more empty pairs of square brackets, indicating an array type. Multiple bracket pairs are accepted although they are semantically equivalent to just a single pair, consistently with PostgreSQL. Note that only empty pairs of brackets are recognized as part of the type specification; an array placeholder immediately followed by an array subscript works as expected: in SELECT %bigint[][2], just the %bigint[] marks the placeholder, and thus the statement selects the item at index 2 from the provided array parameter.
  6. To write % literally within the SQL string, type %%.
  7. The percent signs, denoting the placeholders, are searched in the whole string, regardless of the surrounding content (e.g., SELECT '%s' will usually be wrong).

The semantics for the placeholder name is trivial:

Semantics for the placeholder type is more complicated.

Note that the SQL pattern language itself does not define any actual data types or type inference rules. These are defined by the Ivory\Type\TypeDictionary used by the connection for which the SQL pattern is being serialized to an SQL string. In other words, it is up to the connection whether a type is available – see Data Type Dictionary. The default Ivory configuration should be sufficient in most situations however:

Beware of stating non-schema-qualified types followed by a dot and a name. This is typical when qualifying column names with the table name, e.g., To parametrize the table name, use %{ident}.name to prevent Ivory to search for type name in schema ident.

Comparison with Prepared Statements

Note that, although similar, SQL patterns have nothing to do with prepared statements. The whole SQL string is composed by Ivory and sent to the database server as is. This has the advantage of parametrizing the statement in any part (e.g., for table name), as opposed to prepared statements which are rather limited.

To reduce the overhead, Ivory caches the SQL patterns parsed from the given strings. For that to work, a cache implementation must be provided, as suggested in the Caching section. Still, the database server must parse the received query string and must compute the query plan over and over again. To remedy that, Ivory is planned to support prepared statements in a future version (see [#14]). The different syntax should allow one to even combine prepared statements with SQL patterns.

Statement Execution

For type safety and transparency reasons, Ivory strictly distinguishes the executed statements to:

Using the IStatementExecution::query() method with an SQL statement not returning data set (such as a plain INSERT without the RETURNING clause) is an error. Similarly, calling IStatementExecution::command() with an SQL statement returning data (such as SELECT) is an error, too. Both will result in a UsageException.


As arguments, several different kinds of things may be given to query():

  1. Plain string, which is interpreted as an SQL pattern, followed by values for its positional parameters, and a map of values for its named parameters (if any):
    $conn->query('SELECT 42');
    $conn->query('SELECT %int', 42);
    $conn->query('SELECT %:pi * %:pi / 6', ['pi' => 3.14]);
     'SELECT * FROM %ident WHERE a = %int:a AND b = %s:b',
     ['a' => 42, 'b' => 'wheee']
    • Exact number of values must be provided, matching the number of positional parameters in the SQL pattern.
    • Likewise, the map of named parameter values must be provided (as the last argument) if the SQL pattern uses some named parameters. Ivory is strict here: even values of parameters which are unused in the SQL pattern lead to an \InvalidArgumentException.
  2. Several SQL pattern string fragments, which get glued together (using a single space), each followed by its positional parameters, and the named parameters at the very end:
     'SELECT 2 * %:pi * radius FROM %ident', 'tbl',
     'WHERE a = %int AND b = %s', 42, 'wheee',
     ['pi' => 3.14]
  3. Already parsed SqlPattern objects in place of string SQL patterns, each followed by values of its positional parameters, ended with values for named parameters, as described above.
  4. An SqlRelationDefinition object, with a map of values for named parameters which have not been set up yet:
    $relDef = \Ivory\Query\SqlRelationDefinition::fromPattern('SELECT %:a + %:b');
    $relDef->setParam('a', 3);
    $conn->query($relDef, ['b' => 2]);
    • Values of parameters passed to query() (or command()) get precedence over those already set up on the SqlRelationDefinition object. The object is unmodified, though – it still holds its own parameter values:
      $relDef = \Ivory\Query\SqlRelationDefinition::fromPattern('SELECT %:a + %:b');
      $relDef->setParams(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
      $conn->query($relDef, ['b' => 3]); // SELECT 1 + 3
      $conn->query($relDef); // SELECT 1 + 2
    • Note to use SqlRelationDefinition::fromFragments() to build the definition from multiple fragments as in 2:
      $relDef = \Ivory\Query\SqlRelationDefinition::fromFragments('SELECT %ident', 'col', 'FROM %ident', 'tbl');
  5. Some other IRelationDefinition object. No additional arguments are expected in this case.

As a result, query() returns an IQueryResult, which is both an IRelation (more on that in the section Relations) and an IResult. If the query produced a notice, IResult::getLastNotice() may be used to get it.

Query() Specializations

In case only a single row (or tuple, in terms used by Ivory), a single column, or just a single value is expected, one may use handy specializations. They are used similarly to the query() method, but impose a condition on the result:

All the methods throw a ResultDimensionException when the condition is not met. That way, the caller may be sure the query is specified as really intended. If this is too strict, one may use just the query() method and call the IRelation::tuple(), IRelation::col() or IRelation::value() method on the result.


To run a query asynchronously, call queryAsync() instead of query(). It will send the query to the database and return immediately, without waiting, an IAsyncQueryResult object. Once the result is really needed, IAsyncQueryResult::getResult() may be called, which will wait for the result if not yet ready, and process it to an IQueryResult, just as synchronous query() would do.

$asyncRes = $conn->queryAsync('SELECT generate_series(1, 100000)');
// do other work not involving the same connection
$res = $asyncRes->getResult();
// process $res as usual:
foreach ($res as $tuple) {
    echo $tuple[0] . ' ';

Note a caveat: while waiting for the result, the database must not be worked with using the same connection. Otherwise, the query results might get mixed.


Using IStatementExecution::command() is similar to query():

  1. Same as for query(), e.g.:
    $conn->command('INSERT INTO %ident (%ident) VALUES (%)', 't', 'name', 'Agung');
  2. Same as for query(), e.g.:
    $conn->command('UPDATE %ident', 't', 'SET a = %', 42);
  3. Same as for query().
  4. Similar to query(), just SqlCommand is used instead of SqlRelationDefinition:
    $cmd = \Ivory\Query\SqlCommand::fromPattern('INSERT INTO t VALUES (%)', 3);
  5. Similary to query(), just ICommand is used instead of IRelationDefinition.

Result of a successful command() call is an instance of ICommandResult. It extends the common IResult functionality with command-specific features, such as ICommandResult::getAffectedRows().


The commandAsync() method executes a command in the background, without waiting for the result. Returned is an IAsyncCommandResult, the getResult() of which will wait for finalizing the command and returning the result as an ICommandResult object. Otherwise, the usage is the same as of command().

The same caveat is here as for queryAsync(): do not further query the database with the same connection until you call getResult() on the asynchronous result object, or the results might get mixed.

Other Execution Methods

In case you already have an SQL statement ready in the string form, just pass it to IStatementExecution::rawQuery(), or IStatementExecution::rawCommand(), respectively. The result, including possible exceptions, is the same as in case of query() and command().

$conn->rawQuery("SELECT * FROM person WHERE name ILIKE '%doe%'");

If the SQL statement comes from input, and thus the program does not know whether it is actually a query or command, the general method IStatementExecution::executeStatement() will come in handy:

$conn->executeStatement('CREATE TABLE t (a INT)'); // IResult; in this case, it is an ICommandResult

Just as for query() and command(), there is also an asynchronous version for the generic executeStatement() method, returning an IAsyncResult, the getResult() method of which will, in turn, wait and return an IResult object after the result is ready:

$asyncRes = $conn->executeStatementAsync("INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES ('foo')");
// instead of waiting, use the time on more reasonable things
// now we can continue querying the database

All the execution methods discussed so far allow to execute just one statement at a time. To execute an SQL script, which contains multiple statements separated with semicolons, use IStatementExecution::runScript(). A list of results, one for each executed statement, is returned:

$results = $conn->runScript(
    'CREATE TABLE t (a INT);
     INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES (1), (2);
     SELECT * FROM t'
assert($results[2] instanceof \Ivory\Result\IQueryResult);
$vals = $results[2]->col('a')->toArray(); // $vals is an array [1, 2]

Error Handling

If the executed query is wrong, or if a constraint is violated, or in hundreds of other cases, the database server raises an exception. On the PHP level, Ivory throws a StatementException, representing the database error. The exception holds several useful attributes:


As described above, logic exceptions of class UsageException or ResultDimensionException may also be thrown (the latter just from queries, not commands).

Custom Exceptions

Often, different types of database errors are handled differently. For example, to insert data to a unique-constrained table, one can just try to INSERT the data and handle a unique violation error gracefully (before PostgreSQL 9.5 introduced the INSERT ... ON CONFLICT variant, this was the only way to do that in a race-free manner). Or in case the query has been cancelled (e.g., due to statement timeout), the program might retry the query. The application might even define its own error codes, which could be handled differently from the standard ones.

All these situations would call for catching the StatementException, test the SQL state, and either process the case, or rethrow it up. Such approach leads to a plenty of boilerplate, procedural-style code, however.

Ivory does not try to define special subclasses of exceptions to represent various types of errors. Instead, the application may define its own subclasses of StatementException and instruct Ivory to throw them in specific cases.

A specific kind of statement error may be recognized by its SQL state, by the error message, or by a combination of both. The SqlState class defines constants for SQL state codes implemented by PostgreSQL – these may be used for registering a custom exception class with either the local (connection-wide) or global StatementExceptionFactory:

$exFactory = $conn->getStatementExceptionFactory();
// or use Ivory::getStatementExceptionFactory() for the global exception factory

// from now on, foreign key violations will be represented by ForeignKeyViolationException

// from now on, any constraint violation error will be represented by ConstraintViolationException
// ...except foreign key violations, which are preferred to be handled by ForeignKeyViolationException

Recognizing the error by the primary error message is considered as a bad practice3. The support in Ivory is meant as just a supplement to the SQL state-based recognition. Multiple error types of the same SQL state code may be differentiated by the primary message using StatementExceptionFactory::registerBySqlStateCodeAndMessage(). Or, if the database error does not get matched by any SQL state code or class, the last try is made using solely the primary message rules registered by StatementExceptionFactory::registerByMessage(). For both the methods, Perl-compatible regular expressions are considered.

As for many other Ivory parts, there are two levels where the exception factory may be configured. Primarily, the database error is handled by the connection-local factory, as illustrated by the examples above. If no rules match the error, the global factory is used as a fallback. That is retrieved by calling Ivory::getStatementExceptionFactory() and is useful for defining custom exception rules common for multiple connections. If no matching rules are defined even at the global level, a StatementException is thrown.

Note it is necessary for the custom exception classes to subclass from StatementException. Please, follow its class documentation.


Ivory uses the term relations instead of data sets not to look more scientific, but to refer to relational algebra. The idea is that a relation might not only come from the result of a query, but may also arise otherwise. E.g., one may construct an ad hoc relation from a bunch of values, or it may be retrieved from cache or received from input. As such, relations are treated as first-class citizens in Ivory, and have their own set of operations, similar to those in PostgreSQL, such as projection, rename, filter, etc. They can even be passed to SQL patterns using the %rel serializer.

Constructing Relations

The majority of relations will come from the database queries, returned by the IConnection::query() method. Besides, one can construct an ad hoc relation directly in PHP, using ArrayRelation:

$relation = ArrayRelation::fromRows(
        [1, 'a', 3.14, false, null],
        [5, 'g', 2.81, true, 'text'],

Above, a relation consisting of 5 columns and 2 rows gets constructed. Column types are inferred automatically from values, just as in case of auto-typed SQL pattern parameters.

The column types may be specified explicitly, using the optional $typeMap argument. Also, the columns may get custom names, and not just ordinal numbers:

$relation = ArrayRelation::fromRows(
        ['a' => ['x' => 5, 'y' => 7], 'b' => null, 'c' => 111, 'd' => 'NULL'],
        ['a' => null, 'b' => 'foo', 'c' => 114, 'd' => 'EXISTS(SELECT FROM foo)'],
    ['a' => 'public.hstore', 'b' => null, 'c' => 'i', 'd' => 'sql']
    // type of "b" gets inferred from values
    // values from "d" are considered to be SQL expressions which get serialized as is

PHPDoc for ArrayRelation::fromRows() describes everything in more detail.

Relational Operations

Usually, relations are manipulated at the database side using the means of SQL. In certain cases, however, further manipulation at the PHP side might be handy. A typical case is extension of a relation received from the database with a new column computed by PHP. This may be done fairly easily:

$relation = $conn->query('SELECT * FROM person');
$ext = $relation->extend([
    'age' => function (ITuple $tuple) {
        return (new \DateTime())->diff($tuple['date_of_birth']->toDateTimeImmutable());
// now, $ext contains all data of $relation plus the "age" column with DateInterval objects

The code above uses the fact that the IQueryResult object implements the IRelation interface, and thus may be treated as a relation right away.

Further IRelation operations include:

Note that neither operation modifies the relation. Instead, a new relation is created, which allows reuse of the original relation for different purposes.

Besides relational operations, some more methods are defined on relations, making it easier to process them:


Data rows, or tuples, are represented by instances of ITuple. The individual fields (values of the columns) are accessed using the object attribute syntax:

$tuple = $conn->querySingleTuple('SELECT * FROM person WHERE id = %i', 123);
echo $tuple->name; // prints the person's name

Note that, in accordance with PostgreSQL, there may be multiple columns of the same name. When accessing the value by column name, value of the first such named columns is returned.

Alternatively, a field value may be retrieved by the column offset using the array access syntax:

echo $tuple[0]; // prints value of the first column

Method ITuple::value() accepts both the column name or offset, or any custom ITupleEvaluator.

All the tuple values may be exported to a plain list (using toList()) or to an associative array (using toMap()).

Serializing Relations to SQL

As mentioned in the introduction to this section, there is a special %rel serializer shipped with Ivory. It serializes a given relation to an SQL table expression. That allows one to, e.g., construct a common table expression using a relation:

$arrRel = ArrayRelation::createAutodetect( // automatically detects types of columns
        [1, 'a', 3.14, false],
        [5, 'g', 2.81, true],
    'WITH insert_data (id, name, value, is_active) AS (
     INSERT INTO t (id, name, value)
         SELECT id, name, value
         FROM insert_data
         WHERE is_active'

Relation Definitions

While relation is a set of the actual data, Ivory also recognizes relation definitions. A relation definition does not hold the data, but serves as a prescription for what data to get.

An example is an SqlRelationDefinition, which essentially holds an SQL query string:

$relDef = SqlRelationDefinition::fromPattern('SELECT %bool, %, %num', true, 'str', 3.14);

Relation definitions may be used for gradual specification of conditions, limitation/offset, and row order, as defined by the IRelationDefinition methods:

On top of these general operations, SqlRelationDefinition also implements ISqlPatternStatement, which allows the definition to have parameters, the values of which may be given separately. This makes the SqlRelationDefinition a suitable class for, e.g., specifying data sources of visual components.

$personDef = SqlRelationDefinition::fromPattern('SELECT * FROM person WHERE group_id = %i:groupId');
$personDef->setParam('groupId', 3);
$rel = $conn->query($personDef);
foreach ($rel as $tuple) {
    echo $tuple->name . PHP_EOL; // prints names of people from the given group

Data Types

The % placeholders in SQL patterns may refer to any data type defined in the database. E.g., the %date placeholder refers to the DATE PostgreSQL type. The types are recognized automatically by the database introspector, so even user-defined types may be used right away with no extra effort – just define a composite, enumeration, range or domain in the database and use them in SQL patterns, too.

$conn->command("CREATE TYPE color AS ENUM ('red', 'green', 'blue')");
$c = $conn->querySingleValue('SELECT %color', 'red');

Besides refering to types by their names, several abbreviations are defined for frequently used ones:

These are not hardwired, however. All built-in specifics are concentrated in the StdCoreFactory class, and may either be tweaked or completely overridden with another implementation of ICoreFactory.

Ivory::getTypeRegister()->registerTypeAbbreviation('b', 'pg_catalog', 'bool');

For most non-trivial data types, rather than using standard classes (such as \DateTime), Ivory supplies special classes of values. They are all declared within the Ivory\Value namespace, and usually have adapter methods to be converted from/to the standard ones (at the cost of losing precision). If rather the standard \DateTime is required to be returned right away, it is not that difficult to redefine the corresponding type converter:

$myDateType = new class('pg_catalog', 'date') extends \Ivory\Type\BaseType
    public function parseValue(string $extRepr)
        return \DateTime::createFromFormat('!Y-m-d', $extRepr);

    public function serializeValue($val): string
        if ($val === null) {
            return 'NULL';
        if (!$val instanceof \DateTime) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException();

        return $val->format("'Y-m-d'");

Note, however, that the \DateTime type does not support -infinity and infinity values, years exceeding four digits, stores the time part which is misleading when just the date is relevant… Which is why Ivory defines its own classes.

Besides, \DateTime objects are not comparable by Ivory out of the box. Because of that, date ranges suddenly stopped being supported after registering the custom type above. See Extending the Default Value Comparator on how to resolve this problem.

Type Registers

A TypeRegister is a collection of data type converters and their supplements for recognized PostgreSQL types. There are two levels:

Type registers at both levels serve as basis for creating a data type dictionary, which is ultimately used for parsing and serializing values between PostgreSQL and PHP. More precisely, type registers keep all definitions which are available to Ivory; the type dictionary is then created for the actually relevant types, loading the type converters, abbreviations and other supplements from the connection-local and the global type register (in this order).

The type dictionary is compiled by Ivory automatically when first needed, and is usually cached for the whole script lifetime. Thus, it is necessary to register all necessary objects with type registers before any querying or commanding the database.

The following subsections describe all kinds of objects kept by type registers.

Types and Type Loaders

The most important objects kept in type registers are IType and ITypeLoader objects. They may be registered using the TypeRegister::registerType() and TypeRegister::registerTypeLoader() methods, respectively. A type or type loader may also be unregistered using TypeRegister::unregisterType() and TypeRegister::unregisterTypeLoader(), although that is usually unnecessary.

An IType object is registered by its name. If requested for a type dictionary, the IType object is returned as is. Each type object provides two methods: IType::parseValue() and IType::serializeValue(), which get used for parsing a value from and serializing it to the PostgreSQL external representation.

An ITypeLoader is a lazy IType factory, only instantiating IType objects when asked. It implements just a single method, ITypeLoader::loadType(), the purpose of which is to load a type converter of the requested name.

When a data type converter is requested, first, the connection-local type register is asked for its IType objects. If no object of the requested name has been registered, the ITypeLoaders are asked in the order of registration. If no matching type converter is still found, the analogical procedure is done with the global type register.

By default, Ivory registers StdTypeLoader as the only type loader at the global level. That type loader knows type converters for all data types which are shipped with PostgreSQL.

Value Serializers

Besides IType objects, which are bi-directional converters between PHP and PostgreSQL values, type registers also recognize value serializers, which merely help serialize PHP values to SQL strings. The TypeRegister::registerValueSerializer() and TypeRegister::unregisterValueSerializer() method registers/unregisters a value serializer.

When serializing a PHP value, the value serializer matching the requested name is tried first. Only if there is no corresponding serializer, the dictionary is asked to provide an IType.

By default, Ivory registers several useful serializers. See Placeholder Specification.

Type Name Abbreviations

Data types might not only be referenced by their full name, but also aliased. Using TypeRegister::registerTypeAbbreviation(), an abbreviation may be registered for a data type. The abbreviations are then used in the type dictionary for type aliases, translating an alias to the original name. Due to the mechanism, it is sufficient to use, e.g., '%s' in SQL patters instead of the full %pg_catalog.text type specification.

Note the type aliases are preferred over type converters, i.e., they are tried first for a match, only then real type names are matched.

By default, Ivory registers several useful abbreviations globally, as listed above.

Type Inference Rules

The rules for deciding how an argument should be encoded for an auto-typed parameter (like in $conn->query('SELECT %', $arg)) are also kept in type registers. A rule is simple: for a PHP type, it specifies the qualified name of the corresponding PostgreSQL type. E.g., a rule for inferring integers is registered by:

$typeRegister->registerTypeInferenceRule('int', 'pg_catalog', 'int8');

For object types, the PHP class name is expected:

$typeRegister->registerTypeInferenceRule(\Ivory\Value\Date::class, 'pg_catalog', 'date');

A rule specifies, for a value of a given PHP type, to use the type converter of the given name. If exact match is not found, rules for parent classes of the given object are tried, from the most specific class to the uppermost superclass. As the last resort, rules for all interfaces implemented by the given object are attempted. E.g., by specifying

$typeRegister->registerTypeInferenceRule(DateTimeInterface::class, 'pg_catalog', 'timestamp');

both PHP \DateTime and \DateTimeImmutable will be processed by the serializer for the pg_catalog.timestamp type.

Arrays are handled implicitly, the type is inferred by their first non-null element. See TypeRegister::registerTypeInferenceRule() for details.

Data Type Dictionary

As already mentioned in previous sections, a type dictionary is compiled based on the global and connection-local TypeRegister to contain type converters and supplements for data types used by a database.

One of the main reasons for separating type registers and type dictionary lies in a limitation of the pgsql PHP extension – for columns of a result set, it is able to provide either unqualified type names or type OIDs. The only way to get to the fully qualified type names (and thus distinguish same-named types from different schemas) is to load the mapping of OIDs to fully qualified names.4

Also, subtypes of range and composite types are recognized by the introspection process, the result of which is an ITypeDictionary.

Value Classes

Most of the PostgreSQL data types do not have their equivalent in native PHP types, and even if there are some suitable classes defined in the standard PHP library, their usage is rather limited. To support the most of the PostgreSQL type system, Ivory comes up with its own classes for representing values of all standard PostgreSQL types.

All Ivory value classes are declared in the Ivory\Value namespace. Their common property is that they are immutable – once constructed, the objects cannot change any of their attributes. Also, standard operations are defined on the value classes to provide reasonable functionality, as well as adapter methods for converting Ivory values to other, more frequently used values. In case some generally useful functionality is missing, contributions are welcome!

Date/Time Values

Of a special interest might be the date/time value classes. Although PHP has its \DateTime class, Ivory employs its own set of classes, which offer all the features of the corresponding PostgreSQL date/time types:

The Ivory classes are the following, representing exactly the PostgreSQL type values:

All the classes are implemented such that the objects are comparable using standard PHP <, == and > operators, with the expected results. Also, adapter methods are available to convert Ivory classes to \DateTime, \DateTimeImmutable and UNIX timestamps. Still, if rather standard \DateTime or DateTimeImmutable are required, regardless of their limitations, it is always possible (and, actually, very easy, as demonstrated in the Data Types introduction) to supply custom type converters for date/time types.


PostgreSQL comes with several range types and allows the user to create any custom ranges types (provided the subtype is totally ordered). Ivory supports all of that, as demonstrated by the following code, resembling the PostgreSQL range examples:

$roomReservationRange = Range::fromBounds(
    Timestamp::fromParts(2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0),
    Timestamp::fromParts(2010, 1, 1, 15, 30, 0)

// Containment
assert(Range::fromBounds(10, 20)->containsElement(3) === false);

// Overlaps
assert(Range::fromBounds(11.1, 22.2)->overlaps(Range::fromBounds(20.0, 30.0)) === true);

// Extract the upper bound
assert(Range::fromBounds(15, 25)->getUpper() === 25);

// Compute the intersection
    Range::fromBounds(10, 20)->intersect(Range::fromBounds(15, 25))
    Range::fromBounds(15, 20)

// Is the range empty?
assert(Range::fromBounds(1, 5)->isEmpty() === false);

Ivory automatically recognizes ranges of any subtype, provided it knows the subtype and it is totally ordered. It can both parse and serialize the ranges from/to PostgreSQL:

$conn->command('CREATE TABLE reservation (room int, during tsrange)');
    'INSERT INTO reservation (room, during) VALUES (%i, %tsrange)',
        Timestamp::fromParts(2010, 1, 1, 14, 30, 0),
        Timestamp::fromParts(2010, 1, 1, 15, 30, 0)
$resRange = $conn->querySingleValue('SELECT during FROM reservation WHERE room = %i', 1108);
$dayRange = Range::fromBounds(
    Timestamp::fromParts(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
    Timestamp::fromParts(2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0)
assert($dayRange->containsRange($resRange) === true);

For creating ranges in PHP, the Range::fromBounds() method is available. It accepts the lower and the upper range bound, either of which may be null, meaning infinity. Furthermore, a specification whether the bounds are inclusive or exclusive is given, using either the same string syntax as in PostgreSQL (brackets for inclusive, parentheses for exclusive), or as two independent bool flags. The default is [), i.e., lower bound inclusive, upper bound exclusive.

Compared to PostgreSQL, which canonicalizes equivalent ranges to syntactically same representation, Ivory does not do any such canonicalization, and ranges are created exactly as specified. Specifically, discrete ranges are not converted to [) bounds, as they would conventionally be in PostgreSQL. The method Range::toBounds() is available for explicit conversion, returning a pair of the range equivalent boundary values for a requested bounds specification:

$range = Range::fromBounds(10, 20, '[]');
assert($range->getLower() === 10);
assert($range->getUpper() === 20);

assert($range->toBounds('[)') === [10, 21]);
assert($range->toBounds('(]') === [9, 20]);

Empty Ranges

Similarly to PostgreSQL, Ivory recognizes empty ranges. An empty range may be constructed using Range::empty() factory method. However, also the Range::fromBounds() may result in an empty range - in case the range boundaries are specified such that the range is effectively empty (e.g., [4, 4) or (3, 4(). Like in PostgreSQL, an empty range has no “position” - the bounds are discarded and just the “empty” flag is maintained for empty ranges.

Operations on empty ranges have the same semantics as in PostgreSQL.

Comparability Requirements

As mentioned above, ranges may only be constructed on totally ordered types. In Ivory, it means the range boundary values must be comparable, which requires an IValueComparator capable of comparing the values.

Unless specified otherwise (see the next paragraph), the default value comparator, returned by Ivory::getDefaultValueComparator(), is used for all ranges. The comparator is created by the ICoreFactory::createDefaultValueComparator() and cached for the whole script lifetime (or until Ivory::flushDefaultValueComparator() gets called). The standard comparator delivered with Ivory supports:

Custom comparator may be supplied either:

See the section Implementing Custom Range Types below for more details and a complete example.

Discrete Ranges

Ranges on discrete subtypes offer slightly extended functionality. Similarly to comparability, this puts certain requirements on the values. Specifically, the type must implement the notion of the previous and next value. Out of the box, Ivory ranges support PHP integers and integer strings, and any object implementing the IDiscreteStepper interface. An implementing example is the Date class, representing dates (without time).

The fact a range is treated as discrete affects several things:

Composite Values

Besides ranges, PostgreSQL allows to create custom composite types. Actually, composites are the most common data type – a composite type is automatically created with each new table. Ivory, of course, supports composites out of the box.

In PostgreSQL, composite values are constructed using the ROW() construct (with the ROW keyword possibly left out), which actually makes an n-tuple of several values. Only then the anonymous tuple gets typecast (either explicitly or, e.g., by assigning to a column) to a specific composite type, having named attributes of defined types. Both values of a defined type and values of the generic type RECORD may become a part of a query result.

Defined Composite Types

Values of well-defined (stored) composite types are recognized without any problems. Ivory automatically gets definitions of all the attributes and reads each attribute with the corresponding parser, producing a Composite value. The attributes may be accessed using the object notation:

$conn->command('CREATE TYPE parse_error AS (file TEXT, line INT, message TEXT)');
$val = $conn->querySingleValue("SELECT ('foo.json', 3, 'Unexpected )')::parse_error");
assert($val instanceof Composite);
assert($val->file === 'foo.json');
assert($val->line === 3);
assert($val->message === 'Unexpected )');

The Composite class is flexible, so making composite values is very easy:

$err = Composite::fromMap(['file' => 'bar.c', 'line' => 2]);
$line = $conn->querySingleValue('SELECT (%parse_error).line', $err);
assert($line === 2);

If more strictness is demanded, a custom composite type converter and a custom value class must be used. See the Implementing Custom Composite Types section.

Ad Hoc Composites

In case of ad hoc RECORD values, there is no type definition Ivory could look up. Unfortunately, there is no way PHP could get the original attribute types, and there are no attribute names. Hence, instead of using value objects, Ivory parses RECORD values to mere lists of strings:

$record = $conn->querySingleValue("SELECT ROW('a', -3, 9.81)");
assert($record === ['a', '-3', '9.81']);

As for serializing to the RECORD type, value-based detection of types is employed, much like for an auto-typed placeholder % in SQL patterns:

$v = $conn->querySingleValue(
	"SELECT %record < (4, 'foo', 3.5)",
	[5e-34, 'bar', 8.9]
assert($v === true);


Ivory comes with two flavors of enumeration type converters:

  1. a generic one, working for any enumeration out of the box, and
  2. a strict one, requiring the user to define an enumeration value class for each enumeration.

In this section, only the first case is documented. The other one requires some extra effort, and it is documented in section Implementing Custom Enumeration Types.

Let us define an enumeration type in PostgreSQL, first:

    "CREATE TYPE planet AS ENUM (
         'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune'

The Ivory database introspector, which recognizes PostgreSQL types, gets a list of all possible values of the enumeration and registers a corresponding instance of EnumType. Everything is automatic.

When parsing enumeration values from PostgreSQL, EnumType produces EnumItem objects, which hold the enumeration value, type, and order of the value within the other enumeration values. EnumItem objects are comparable5, and even ranges of enum values (of the same enumeration type) are supported:

$t = $conn->querySingleTuple(
         'Mars'::planet AS planet1,
         'Mars'::planet AS planet2,
         'Jupiter'::planet AS planet3,
         planet_range('Jupiter', 'Neptune') AS planet_rng"
assert($t->planet1 instanceof EnumItem);
assert($t->planet2 instanceof EnumItem);
assert($t->planet3 instanceof EnumItem);
assert($t->planet_rng instanceof Range);

assert($t->planet1->compareTo($t->planet3) < 0);
assert($t->planet_rng->getLower()->getValue() === 'Jupiter');

The generality of EnumItem objects comes at a cost, however: to construct an enumeration value, one must use the EnumItem::forType() factory method and give it, besides the actual value, also the schema name, the type name and the value order. Construction of enumeration values is therefore rather complicated.

To remedy this problem at least when serializing to PostgreSQL, plain strings are accepted besides just EnumItem objects:

$conn->command('INSERT INTO t (planet) VALUES (%planet)', 'Saturn');

Note the given string is checked whether among the values defined by the enumeration, and a warning is raised if not. Also notice the EnumItem::getValue() method, returning the enum value as a string, which is also returned when simply typecasting an EnumItem to a string.

Everything works out of the box without the need to define a PHP class for a specific enumeration type. This also has the disadvantage that you cannot type-hint the specific type in your functions – just a generic EnumItem may be declared. However, Ivory also supports the way of defining an enumeration type at the PHP side – see Implementing Custom Enumeration Types for more on that.


Ivory fully supports PostgreSQL arrays and is capable of converting arrays of any type between PostgreSQL and PHP.

$input = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
$output = $conn->querySingleValue('SELECT %s[]', $input);
assert($input === $output);

Note, however, that arrays in PHP are quite different beasts than in most of other languages and environments, including PostgreSQL. Really, the word “array” is rather misleading in PHP – in fact, the type represents sorted hash maps which may be used as arrays. For a PHP array to be serializable to PostgreSQL, it must strictly meet the criteria enforced on PostgreSQL arrays:

Examples of convertible arrays:

Examples of non-convertible arrays:

Also note that PHP implicitly uses zero-based arrays, while PostgreSQL uses one-based arrays. Nonetheless, both sides allow for specifying explicit indices in different bounds. By default, Ivory keeps the array indices as is, which means that a typical array received from PostgreSQL will be one-based:

$arr = $conn->querySingleValue("SELECT ARRAY['a', 'b', 'c']");
assert($arr === [1 => 'a', 2 => 'b', 3 => 'c']);

while sending a typical PHP array to PostgreSQL will result in explicit bounds:

$conn->command('INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES (%)', ['a', 'b', 'c']);
// SQL sent to database: INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES ('[0:2]={a,b,c}'::pg_catalog.text[])

Plain Array Mode

For some applications, the strictness about array keys might be unnecessary, or even disturbing. If the only thing you care about are the values and their mutual order, you can use the plain mode:

In the plain mode, keys are completely ignored:

<?php // using plain array mode

$arr = $conn->querySingleValue("SELECT ARRAY['a', 'b', 'c']");
assert($arr === ['a', 'b', 'c']);

$conn->command('INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES (%)', ['a', 'b', 'c']);
// SQL sent to database: INSERT INTO t (a) VALUES (ARRAY['a','b','c']::pg_catalog.text[])


In PostgreSQL, cursors may either be declared using the SQL DECLARE command, or returned from a function as a refcursor value. Ivory supports both:

Note that, unless holdable, declaring a cursor needs to occur within a transaction.

$tx = $this->conn->startTransaction();
$relDef = SqlRelationDefinition::fromSql("VALUES ('a'), ('b'), ('c'), ('d'), ('e')");
$curOne = $this->conn->declareCursor('cur1', $relDef, ICursor::SCROLLABLE);

    CREATE FUNCTION get_cur() RETURNS refcursor AS $$
        cur refcursor;
        OPEN cur FOR VALUES ('x'), ('y'), ('z');
        RETURN cur;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql
$curTwo = $this->conn->querySingleValue('SELECT get_cur()');

Either way, cursors are represented by ICursor objects. There are several methods for moving the cursor and fetching data from it, covering the full operation set offered by PostgreSQL:

Note that, for certain operations, PostgreSQL requires the cursor to be scrollable. As PostgreSQL automatically marks a cursor as scrollable if it is simple enough not to cause any extra cost as such, Ivory cannot tell (until asking PostgreSQL) if a cursor is scrollable or not. Hence, the API does not distinguish scrollable and non-scrollable cursors. Any operation is, at the API level, allowed on any cursor. Illegal calls will be rejected by PostgreSQL, represented by a StatementException having SQL STATE code SqlState::OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE.

Also note the notion of closing a cursor: once closed, a cursor cannot be used anymore. If Ivory knows the cursor is closed (especially in case the ICursor::close() method is called), a ClosedCursorException is thrown from any operation without even passing the call to PostgreSQL.

As each cursor consumes some resources in PostgreSQL, they are suggested to be closed when not needed. ICursor::close() will close one specific cursor while IConnection::closeAllCursors() will close all cursors in the current session. To list all cursors active in the current session, IConnection::getAllCursors() will return an array of ICursor, each representing one of the listed cursors.

$cursors = $conn->getAllCursors();

Iterating Cursors

To ease using cursors, ICursor extends the IteratorAggregate interface. Thus, a cursor may directly be iterated on:

foreach ($curOne as $pos => $tuple) { // $pos is the absolute position of the row
    assert($tuple instanceof ITuple);
    echo $tuple->value(0);

Fetching tuples one-by-one will be slow for big data sets, though, as each row is asked by PHP and transferred from PostgreSQL individually. To help performance, the getIterator() method is extended with the optional int $bufferSize parameter. If used, cursor rows will be fetched in batches of the given size, reducing the number of queries. On top of that, to reduce waiting for the next batch to be computed and transferred to Ivory, the next batch is fetched in the background using asynchronous queries:

$bigRelDef = SqlRelationDefinition::fromSql('SELECT generate_series(1, 100000)');
$curThree = $this->conn->declareCursor('cur3', $bigRelDef);
foreach ($curThree->getIterator(1000) as $tuple) { // fetch 1000 rows at once
    assert($tuple instanceof ITuple); // meanwhile, the next 1000 are fetched in the background
    $fetchedValues[] = $tuple->value(0);


There are special methods for transaction control, so that the user does not have to call the corresponding commands by hand. Conversely, the user is encouraged to use the API, as other Ivory parts will then work better (e.g., values of session variables are cached, and the cache assumes transactions are controlled using the API).

There are two kinds of transactions in PostgreSQL: simple and prepared (a.k.a. two-phase commits). Ivory provides API for both through the ITransactionControl, which is a part of the connection.

Simple Transactions

There is a single entry point: ITransactionControl::startTransaction(). Further control, like commit or rollback, is performed on the ITxHandle object returned from startTransaction(). Specifically:

To help catching program errors early, the handle keeps track of whether the transaction has been closed through it, and throws an InvalidStateException in case it is attempted to be used further. Additionally, if the transaction handle gets freed from memory but it has not been used to close the transaction, a warning is raised about the fact (which may be customized – see TxHandle Customization).

Besides explicit transaction control, two interesting features are planned for future releases:

Transaction Configuration

PostgreSQL offers several properties of transactions which may be configured:

In Ivory, transaction properties are represented by TxConfig objects. Those may be passed to special methods which instruct the database accordingly, using the SET [SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS] TRANSACTION command.

Default options for new transactions, started from now on, are set up using ITransactionControl::setupSubsequentTransactions():

$txConfig = TxConfig::create(TxConfig::ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE);

To affect just a single transaction, you may pass the options directly to the startTransaction() method:

$tx = $conn->startTransaction(TxConfig::ISOLATION_READ_UNCOMMITTED);
// ...

…or start the transaction first, and use the setupTransaction() on the ITxHandle:

$tx = $conn->startTransaction();
$txConfig = TxConfig::create();
$tx->setupTransaction($txConfig); // the transaction can now perform a safe backup

Note that in PostgreSQL, transaction properties may only be set up before making any actual statement within the transaction. Trying to set them later leads to a StatementException.

To get the actual transaction configuration, use:

Note that both getters may query the database for the actual values. Considering the PostgreSQL restriction mentioned a few lines above, it is not possible to start a transaction, get its options and change it in case they do not fit one’s needs. The desired transaction properties should be set right away, regardless of their current values.

Transaction Snaphots

Ivory also provides a simple wrapper methods for exporting and importing transaction snapshots. Both the exportTransactionSnapshot() and setTransactionSnapshot() methods are defined on ITxHandle as the snapshots may only be manipulated during transactions.

The following example demonstrates the effect of importing a snapshot by $conn2:

// to demonstrate snapshots, we need three separate connections
$conn1 = Ivory::setupNewConnection('host=localhost dbname=mydb');
$conn2 = Ivory::setupNewConnection('host=localhost dbname=mydb');
$conn3 = Ivory::setupNewConnection('host=localhost dbname=mydb');

$conn3->command('CREATE TABLE t (i INT)');

$tx1 = $conn1->startTransaction(TxConfig::ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ);

assert(0, $conn1->querySingleValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t'));

$conn3->command('INSERT INTO t (i) VALUES (1)');

assert(0, $conn1->querySingleValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t')); // still 0
assert(1, $conn2->querySingleValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t')); // already 1

$snapshotId = $tx1->exportTransactionSnapshot();

$tx2 = $conn2->startTransaction(TxConfig::ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ);
$tx2->setTransactionSnapshot($snapshotId); // now, $conn2 sees the same as $conn1

assert(0, $conn2->querySingleValue('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t')); // still the old state

Prepared Transactions

A transaction may be prepared for a two-phase commit using the ITxHandle::prepareTransaction(), which must be given a server-wide unique name, or a random one will automatically be generated. Then, a triplet of methods may be used on a connection:

Database Session Configuration

The ISessionControl part of each connection is very simple. It only contains the getConfig() method, which returns an IConnConfig object, representing the runtime configuration. On IConnConfig, there is the expected set of methods for manipulating session variables:

All the methods take, as their first argument, the configuration parameter name. Standard names, as defined by PostgreSQL, are defined as constants of ConfigParam.

Each configuration parameter in PostgreSQL may be defined as of one of the following types:

Besides, the special value IConnConfig::DEFAULT_VALUE may be passed to setters to reset a configuration parameter to its default value. All options may be reset at once using IConnConfig::resetAll().

The following sample script illustrates basic usage of the API:

$tx = $conn->startTransaction();
$cfg = $conn->getConfig();
$cfg->setForTransaction(ConfigParam::STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, Quantity::fromValue(3, Quantity::MINUTE));
$conn->command(...); // some long command
echo $cfg->get(ConfigParam::STATEMENT_TIMEOUT); // prints the original value, e.g., "30 s"

Note the configuration values are cached. Thus, only the API, not the SQL SET command directly, should be used to change configuration options during the database session.

On top of direct manipulation with configuration parameters, IConnConfig recognizes the following special getters:

Observable Configuration

By default, $conn->getConfig() returns a ConnConfig object, which implements IObservableConnConfig. It is the IConnConfig interface extended with methods which allow one to observe for configuration changes.

The feature is used by the ConnConfigValueRetriever class, which is an IConfigObserver. The class serves for reading configuration values, and keeping the current values cached to prevent repetitive querying the database. By registering it at the ConnConfig object, it gets any subsequent changes of the value, which thus maintains the cached value automatically.

The ConnConfigValueRetriever is useful for data type converters the operation of which depends on runtime configuration. E.g., DateType needs to know the value of DateStyle, so that it could parse the dates correctly and tell the Y-M-D dates from Y-D-M dates.

Inter-Process Communication

PostgreSQL provides primitives for inter-process communication: the LISTEN and NOTIFY commands. Ivory encapsulates the functionality in the IIPCControl interface:

Unfortunately, the only way for receiving notifications in a PHP script is by polling for it. If there is a notification in the queue, pollNotification() returns it, encapsulated in a Notification object.

The following example shows notifications in action:

$conn1 = Ivory::setupNewConnection('host=localhost dbname=mydb');
$conn2 = Ivory::setupNewConnection('host=localhost dbname=mydb');

$notification = $conn1->pollNotification();
assert($notification === null); // no notifications yet

$notification = $conn1->pollNotification();
assert($notification->getChannel() === 'c1');

$conn2->notify('c1', 'hello world'); // sending payload
$notification = $conn1->pollNotification();
assert($notification->getPayload() === 'hello world');

// notifications contain the sender PID
assert($conn2->getBackendPID() === $notification->getSenderBackendPID());


There are two crutial areas in which Ivory needs a cache:

The SQL patterns, given as strings, are parsed and placeholders are analyzed. The resulting SqlPattern object is cached and reused for identical SQL pattern strings.

As for the type dictionary, the Data Types chapter already described the automatic introspection of database types. Despite being optimized, it is a time-consuming process. Thus, the resulting type dictionary is cached for further use.

Note that not all data types defined by the database are really cached – there are hundreds of data types defined in a vanilla PostgreSQL database, so Ivory only caches those which have actually been used during the lifetime of the script. If new types are used afterwards, the database gets introspected again and the missing types are added to the cache. Thus, it is normal that the first few requests are handled with delay. Also, it is advisable to clear the cache from time to time to flush outdated items.

Cache Usage

Ivory itself implements no caching. Instead, it requires the user to supply an appropriate cache implementation.

Any PSR-6 compliant cache pool implementation may be provided. For development, file cache might work just fine. In production, however, due to the nature of cached objects (namely the SQL patterns), it is especially advisable to use shared memory (e.g., cache/memcached-adapter).

To enable caching, just provide a PSR-6 cache implementation to Ivory::setDefaultCacheImpl() before connecting to the database.

For example, to set up filesystem cache, you may install the cache/filesystem-adapter package with:

composer require cache/filesystem-adapter

and use the following snippet:

$fsAdapter = new \League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local(sys_get_temp_dir());
$fs = new \League\Flysystem\Filesystem($fsAdapter);
$cachePool = new \Cache\Adapter\Filesystem\FilesystemCachePool($fs);
// ...

As usual, it is possible to define the cache implementation either at the global level, or specifically for a given connection, calling ICacheControl::setCacheImpl():

$conn->setCacheImpl($cachePool); // cache pool used just for $conn

Cache Keys

Please note that the cache keys are constructed such that after upgrading Ivory, old cache entries are ignored and completely new items are cached. Thus, it may be good to clear the cache after upgrading Ivory.

Moreover, with connection-specific cache, the cache keys also contain identifiers of the connection: host, port and database name. Thus, it is perfectly safe to use a single cache pool as a connection-specific cache for multiple connections – each will use its own cache items.


To concentrate all the caching functionality in one place, Ivory defines the ICacheControl interface. The default implementation supplied with Ivory behaves like described above. As with many other parts, the cache control may be overridden with a custom implementation, or just used differently by the core factory. See the Customization chapter.


Much of the functionality may be customized according to specific needs, as documented by the following subsections.

The Core Factory

The main entry point for customization is the core factory. For creating various objects, Ivory does not use specific implementations directly. An ICoreFactory object is used for this purpose. By default, StdCoreFactory is used, implemented such that all the standard Ivory features work as documented. Any other implementation may be provided, though, using Ivory::setCoreFactory():

Ivory::setCoreFactory(new CustomCoreFactory());

Several kinds of objects are created by the core factory:

Note that many of the objects created by the core factory are kept for reuse once created. Thus, a custom core factory shall be set up prior to calling any other Ivory methods.

TxHandle Customization

As described in the Simple Transactions section, an ITxHandle represents an open transaction. The instances are created by the ICoreFactory::createTransactionHandle() factory method. The StdCoreFactory implementation creates a TxHandle object, although the factory method may be overridden to return alternative ITxHandle implementations.

One alternative is shipped with Ivory: the TracingTxHandle may be helpful during development. It keeps track of where in the application the transaction handle has been created. Later, if the handle reports a warning that it has not been closed properly, it includes the stack in the warning message. Thus, it is easy to trace back to where the unclosed handle has come from.

    new class extends StdCoreFactory
        public function createTransactionHandle(
            IStatementExecution $stmtExec,
            IObservableTransactionControl $observableTxCtl,
            ISessionControl $sessionCtl
        ): ITxHandle {
            return new TracingTxHandle($stmtExec, $observableTxCtl, $sessionCtl);
// ...
$tx = $conn->startTransaction();
assert($tx instanceof TracingTxHandle);
unset($tx); // Now the handle gets lost, so it raises a warning, containing stack trace pointing to
            // the $conn->startTransaction() call.

Implementing Custom Data Types

Ivory comes with all standard PostgreSQL data types supported out of the box. For each PostgreSQL type, there is an implementing type converter within the Ivory\Type namespace. PostgreSQL may easily be extended with further data types, however. In such a case, Ivory may be extended accordingly. The next subsection will cover supporting a new base type. The following subsections document building composite, enumerated, and range types.

Implementing a Custom Base Type

Making support for a custom base type usually consists of three steps:

  1. implement the value object class,
  2. implement the type converter, and
  3. register the type converter with Ivory.

Let’s say we want to implement the ltree data type of the PostgreSQL ltree extension. First, we should decide how to represent the values in PHP. For label path, an array of strings might be used. However, PostgreSQL has restrictions on which characters may be used in ltree labels. Also, we should define operations on ltree values in PHP. Thus, we will introduce a custom class:

class Ltree
    private $labels;

    public static function fromArray(array $labels)
        foreach ($labels as $label) {
        return new Ltree($labels);

    private static function checkLabel(string $label): void
        if (!preg_match('~ ^ [[:alnum:]_]+ (?: \. [[:alnum:]_]+ )* ~ux', $label)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid label used for a label path');

    private function __construct(array $labels)
        $this->labels = $labels;

    public function toArray(): array
        return $this->labels;

    public function join(Ltree $other): Ltree
        return new Ltree(array_merge($this->labels, $other->labels));

Note it is a good practice to specify value objects as immutable, like the class above. Also note the practice of hiding the constructor, and providing factory methods instead. Such pattern is especially useful when there are multiple kinds of representations of one object (e.g., a line may be given either by two different points, or using coefficients from the Ax + By + C = 0 equation). Such approach also allows to bypass input validation in case we already have a valid object, as demonstrated by the Ltree::join() method.

Now, when we are able to represent the values, we need to implement the Ivory\Type\IType interface, which is fairly simple: all it needs to do is converting the PHP values from/to the PostgreSQL external representation, and to state its name so that Ivory may recognize the type within SQL patterns:

class LtreeType implements \Ivory\Type\IType
    public function getSchemaName(): string
        return 'public';

    public function getName(): string
        return 'ltree';

    public function parseValue(string $extRepr)
        $labels = explode('.', $extRepr);
        return Ltree::fromArray($labels);

    public function serializeValue($val, bool $strictType = true): string
        if ($val === null) {
            return ($strictType ? 'NULL::ltree' : 'NULL');

        if ($val instanceof Ltree) {
            $ltree = $val;
        } elseif (is_array($val)) {
            $ltree = Ltree::fromArray($val);
        } else {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid ltree value');

        return ($strictType ? 'ltree ' : '') . "'" . implode('.', $ltree->toArray()) . "'";

The parseValue() method is used for converting PostgreSQL data to PHP values. Conversely, serializeValue() is called when serializing PHP values to SQL. It is up to the implementation whether the type converter is strict, or if it automatically converts the arguments appropriately. Just note the special treatment of NULL. As regards to the name, it is better to parametrize the name of the actual PostgreSQL data type for which the type converter gets constructed. To save implementing that repeatedly, you may subclass the Ivory\Type\BaseType class.

The final step is to register the new type converter with Ivory, either globally or for a selected connection:

$typeRegister = Ivory::getTypeRegister();
$typeRegister->registerType(new LtreeType());

Once the type is registered, its values may be retrieved from the database and serialized within SQL patterns:

$ltree = $conn->querySingleValue('SELECT %ltree', Ltree::fromArray(['A', 'B', 'C']));
assert($ltree->toArray() === ['A', 'B', 'C']);

For some more examples on custom types, see the showcase test TypeSystemTest.

Implementing Custom Composite Types

As a general solution, Ivory offers quite a flexible implementation for composite values. Those with a stricter taste also have an option, however: make custom value classes and adjust the type system to use them. Let us see it all in an example.

Assume we define a new composite type in Postgres, called parse_error:

CREATE TYPE parse_error AS (
    file TEXT,
    line INT,
    message TEXT

As already mentioned in the Defined Composite Types section, Ivory would parse parse_error values to Composite objects. Instead, we define a custom value class:

 * @property-read string $file
 * @property-read int $line
 * @property-read string|null $message
class ParseError extends StrictComposite
    public function __construct(string $file, int $line, ?string $message = null)
            'file' => $file,
            'line' => $line,
            'message' => $message,

The base for a custom composite value is the StrictComposite class. That is a simple extension of Composite, which just overrides the attribute getter to raise a warning upon accessing an undefined attribute. The ParseError class itself is then simple: it takes all necessary attributes and passes them to the Composite::__construct(). Since the value objects are immutable, all legitimate attributes must be passed to the parent constructor.

The only missing step is to define and register an explicit converter for the parse_error type to use ParseError objects. The generic CompositeType offers a handy extension point, due to which this is an easy task:

class ParseErrorType extends CompositeType
    protected function constructCompositeValue(array $valueMap): Composite
        return new ParseError($valueMap['file'], $valueMap['line'], $valueMap['message']);

$conn->getTypeRegister()->registerType(new ParseErrorType('public', 'parse_error'));

Now, ParseError is ready for use:

$parseError = new ParseError('foo.c', 2, 'Unexpected token: `(`');
$val = $conn->querySingleValue('SELECT %parse_error', $parseError);
assert($val instanceof ParseError);
assert($val->line === 2); // IDE may offer code completion for attributes
assert($val->someAttr === null); // raises a warning due to undefined attribute

Implementing Custom Enumeration Types

As already described in the Enumerations section, Ivory has a generic type converter for any enumeration types. In this subsection, we will use a more specific way: for each PostgreSQL enumeration type, we define a PHP counterpart. Such approach offers several advantages over the generic way:

  1. the type is recognized within at the PHP side, and may be used for type-hints;
  2. values are constructed easily, just by calling pre-defined static methods;
  3. values are represented more efficiently.

Let us re-use the example planet enumeration:

    "CREATE TYPE planet AS ENUM (
         'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune'

Define the Planet enumeration class, and register it with Ivory:

 * @method static Planet Mercury()
 * @method static Planet Venus()
 * @method static Planet Earth()
 * @method static Planet Mars()
 * @method static Planet Jupiter()
 * @method static Planet Saturn()
 * @method static Planet Uranus()
 * @method static Planet Neptune()
class Planet extends \Ivory\Value\StrictEnum
    protected static function getValues(): array
        return [
            'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune',

$typeRegister = $this->conn->getTypeRegister();
$typeRegister->registerType(new StrictEnumType('public', 'planet', Planet::class));

Note the @method annotations are not strictly necessary – the code would work just OK without them. They are beneficial to your IDE for code completion and type information, though.

As annotated, the values may be constructed using the static method call syntax. It is also possible to pass the string value to the constructor (which checks the value whether among the defined values):

$mars = new Planet('Mars');
assert($mars == Planet::Mars());

Comparison works with the same semantics as in PostgreSQL. For equality, the PHP operators == and != may safely be used, which compare both the enumeration value and type:

assert(Planet::Mars() == Planet::Mars());
assert(Planet::Mars() != ChocolateBar::Mars());
assert(Planet::Uranus()->compareTo(Planet::Neptune() < 0);

function is_giant(Planet $p): bool
    switch ($p) {
        case Planet::Mercury():
        case Planet::Venus():
        case Planet::Earth():
        case Planet::Mars():
            return false;
        case Planet::Jupiter():
        case Planet::Saturn():
        case Planet::Uranus():
        case Planet::Neptune():
            return true;
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException();


Implementing Custom Range Types

Range types are supported by means of the Ivory\Type\Postgresql\RangeType class. It can work as converter for any type of range if provided with the corresponding subtype converter implementing the ITotallyOrderedType.

For example, to support the PostgreSQL standard int4range, the IntegerType converter is provided to RangeType:

$typeRegister = Ivory::getTypeRegister();
$intType = new IntegerType('pg_catalog', 'int4');
$typeRegister->registerType(new RangeType('pg_catalog', 'int4range', $intType));

Recall that ranges may only be constructed on comparable values (see Comparability Requirements for details). That’s why the subtype converter, passed via the 3rd argument to RangeType::__construct(), must implement ITotallyOrderedType. The interface, extending IType, actually declares no methods – it serves as a marking interface, so that the implementor of custom ranges is forced to address the issue. By implementing it, the type converter declares it produces comparable values. Using the default value comparator, such requirement translates to the values needed to be either PHP base types or objects implementing IComparable. Thus, the easiest way to implement a custom range type is just to make the subtype values implement IComparable and tag the type converter as implementing ITotallyOrderedType, and Ivory manages everything automatically. Iterating on the Ltree example above:

class Ltree implements IComparable
    // ...

    use EqualableWithCompareTo; // a helper trait implementing equals() using compareTo()

    public function compareTo($other): int
        if ($other === null) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
        if (!$other instanceof LtreeComparable) {
            throw new IncomparableException();

        return ($this->toArray() <=> $other->toArray());

class LtreeType implements \Ivory\Type\ITotallyOrderedType
    // ...

$typeRegister = Ivory::getTypeRegister();
$typeRegister->registerType(new LtreeType());

$ltrees = $conn->querySingleTuple(
	"SELECT ltree 'A.1.b' AS lower, ltree 'A.2.d' AS upper"
$range = Range::fromBounds($ltrees->lower, $ltrees->upper);
assert($range->containsElement(LtreeComparable::fromArray(['A', '1', 'f'])) === true);
assert($range->containsElement(LtreeComparable::fromArray(['A', '2', 'd'])) === false);
Extending the Default Value Comparator

Sometimes, it is not possible to let the value objects implement IComparable, such as when we wanted to use PHP \DateTime objects instead of Ivory Date. In the Data Types introduction, we presented how to implement a custom type converter instead of the default one for the date type. As a result, one could not use the daterange type due to \DateTime objects not being comparable by Ivory. The problem can be fixed by extending the default value comparator to support \DateTime, which in turn can be done by extending the core factory:

Ivory::setCoreFactory(new class extends StdCoreFactory
    public function createDefaultValueComparator(): IValueComparator
        return new class implements IValueComparator
            public function compareValues($a, $b): int
                if ($a instanceof \DateTimeInterface && $b instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
                    return ($a->getTimestamp() - $b->getTimestamp());
                } else {
                    return ComparisonUtils::compareValues($a, $b);

To finalize the job, we need to mark the custom date type converter using the ITotallyOrderedType interface. That actually simplifies the implementation, as it may now extend Ivory DateType and just adapt its parseValue() method (note that DateType::serializeValue() supports \DateTimeInterface out of the box, so no effort is on this side):

$myDateAdapterType = new class('pg_catalog', 'date') extends \Ivory\Type\Std\DateType
    public function parseValue(string $extRepr)
        $date = parent::parseValue($extRepr);
        return $date->toDateTime();
Implementing Discrete Range Functionality

As summarized in the Discrete Ranges section, it might be important to implement the discrete aspect of ranges. In order for a custom range type to make discrete ranges, its parseValue() method should either return an int, an integer string, or an object implementing IDiscreteStepper. The rest is managed automatically by Range.

For example, the Date class supplied with Ivory is an IDiscreteStepper:

class Date extends DateBase implements IDiscreteStepper
	// ...
    public function step(int $delta, $value)
        if (!$value instanceof Date) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$value');
        return $value->addDay($delta);
Implementing Special Range Subclasses

Alternatively to extending the default value comparator or being forced to let the discrete values implement IDiscreteStepper, there is a finer approach which may be used for absolutely custom ranges: supplying an IValueComparator and IDiscreteStepper objects as arguments to Range::fromBounds(). Since it would not be practical to pass those to each new range, the ideal way to do that is by subclassing Range.

For demonstration purposes, suppose we have a data type card in PostgreSQL for cards from the standard 52-card deck. Each card would be represented by a pair of characters, specifying the rank (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, T, J, Q, K or A) and color (C, D, H or S). Let us define the order on card primarily by the rank, secondarily by the color, and consider a discrete cardrange type on that. The following PHP implementation will do the job:

class CardRange extends \Ivory\Value\Range
    public static function fromBounds(
        $boundsOrLowerInc = '[)',
        ?bool $upperInc = null,
        ?IValueComparator $customComparator = null,
        ?IDiscreteStepper $customDiscreteStepper = null
    ): Range {
        return parent::fromBounds(
            ($customComparator ?? CardType::provideValueComparator()),
            ($customDiscreteStepper ?? CardType::provideDiscreteStepper())

class CardRangeType extends \Ivory\Type\Postgresql\RangeType
    protected function createParsedRange($lower, $upper, bool $lowerInc, bool $upperInc): Range
        return CardRange::fromBounds($lower, $upper, $lowerInc, $upperInc);

class CardType extends \Ivory\Type\TypeBase implements \Ivory\Type\ITotallyOrderedType
    const CARD_ORDER = [
        '2S', '2H', '2D', '2C', '3S', '3H', '3D', '3C', '4S', '4H', '4D', '4C',
        '5S', '5H', '5D', '5C', '6S', '6H', '6D', '6C', '7S', '7H', '7D', '7C',
        '8S', '8H', '8D', '8C', '9S', '9H', '9D', '9C', 'TS', 'TH', 'TD', 'TC',
        'JS', 'JH', 'JD', 'JC', 'QS', 'QH', 'QD', 'QC', 'KS', 'KH', 'KD', 'KC',
        'AS', 'AH', 'AD', 'AC',

    private static $valueComparator = null;
    private static $discreteStepper = null;

    public static function provideValueComparator(): IValueComparator
        if (self::$valueComparator === null) {
            self::$valueComparator = new class implements IValueComparator
                public function compareValues($a, $b): int
                    if ($a === null || $b === null) {
                        throw new \InvalidArgumentException();

                    $aPos = array_search($a, CardType::CARD_ORDER);
                    $bPos = array_search($b, CardType::CARD_ORDER);

                    if ($aPos !== false && $bPos !== false) {
                        return ($aPos - $bPos);
                    } else {
                        throw new IncomparableException();
        return self::$valueComparator;

    public static function provideDiscreteStepper(): IDiscreteStepper
        if (self::$discreteStepper === null) {
            self::$discreteStepper = new class implements IDiscreteStepper
                public function step(int $delta, $value)
                    $pos = array_search($value, CardType::CARD_ORDER);
                    if ($pos === false) {
                        throw new \InvalidArgumentException();

                    $requestedPos = $pos + $delta;
                    $newPos = max(0, min(count(CardType::CARD_ORDER) - 1, $requestedPos));

                    return CardType::CARD_ORDER[$newPos];
        return self::$discreteStepper;

    public function parseValue(string $extRepr)
        return $extRepr;

    public function serializeValue($val, bool $strictType = true): string
        if ($val === null) {
            return ($strictType ? 'NULL::card' : 'NULL');
        if (preg_match('~^[23456789TJQKA][CDHS]$~', $val)) {
            return ($strictType ? 'card ' : '') . "'" . $val . "'";
        } else {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException();

// now, everything is defined and ready to be used
$cardType = new CardType('public', 'card');
$cardRangeType = new CardRangeType('public', 'cardrange', $cardType);

$typeRegister = $conn->getTypeRegister();

$range = $conn->querySingleValue(
    "SELECT cardrange('7S', NULL) * %cardrange",
    CardRange::fromBounds('3S', 'JS')
assert($range instanceof CardRange);
assert($range->toBounds('[]') === ['7S', 'TC']);

Implementing Custom Serializers

Implementing mere custom serializers, like %like, is very easy. All you have to do is to implement the trivial IValueSerializer interface and register the serializer with the appropriate type registry. Let us demonstrate that with the following example.

Ivory is not shipped with any support for making an IN (...) construct. We find such SQL code not that useful as it cannot handle empty lists – a limitation not applying when using = ANY(ARRAY[...]) (which, by the way, PostgreSQL uses to implement the IN (...) construct in some cases). If, however, it is useful for you, a custom serializer may save the day:

$strListSerializer = new class implements IValueSerializer
    private $stringType;

    public function __construct()
        $this->stringType = new StringType('%strlist', 'string'); // it requires some name

    public function serializeValue($val): string
        if (!is_array($val)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('%strlist expects an array');

        $result = '(';
        $isFirst = true;
        foreach ($val as $str) {
            if (!$isFirst) {
                $result .= ', ';
            $isFirst = false;

            $result .= $this->stringType->serializeValue($str);
        if ($isFirst) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('%strlist list cannot be empty');
        $result .= ')';

        return $result;
$conn->getTypeRegister()->registerValueSerializer('strlist', $strListSerializer);
// ...
$conn->query('SELECT * FROM person WHERE name IN %strlist', ['John', 'Adam']);

Note that currently it is difficult to define a generic list serializer, auto-detecting the type of values. Issue [#19] might improve that.

1 Actually, injection is still among the ten most critical web application security risks, according to OWASP.
2 This is consistent with PostgreSQL – e.g., SELECT 1::"int" only searches for a user-defined type named “int” within the search_path.
3 Realize, for instance, the error message may be translated according to the environment settings of the database server.
4 On the other hand, even the pg_field_type() function queries the database server in the background, asking for pg_type.typname for the given OID, and caches the result. The type dictionary is a similar mechanism in the userland.
5 Recall that in PostgreSQL, enumeration values are compared by their position within the enumeration. The same semantics is applied by EnumItem.